Sarah Gail Luther
Sarah Gail Luther is a Milwaukee-based artist who explores and documents the familiar, the average, or the forgotten. The results of these inquiries manifest in drawings, performances, public events, and distribulate objects. Through her work, she strives to build an understanding of the subject, not necessarily to elevate but to appreciate it intricacies, humor, or humanity.
Madison Audubon Society - Faville Grove Sanctuary
Since establishing the sanctuary in 1998, Madison Audubon Society has acquired title to or permanent conservation easements on 675 acres of land at Faville Grove (pronounced FAY-vil), most of which is open to the public. In cooperation with neighboring landowners, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison Audubon is permanently protecting and restoring a total of nearly 1200 acres of diverse habitat in the area.
In addition to year-round restoration projects on the land, MAS facilitates a variety of conservation-related efforts at Faville Grove, including:
+Nest box construction and monitoring for wood ducks, American kestrels, bluebirds, and more.
+Endangered and threatened species monitoring and research for a variety of rare plants, including the eastern prairie white-fringed orchid.
+A Robust native seed collecting program that helps to preserve local-genotype seeds from remnant and restored prairies.